A successful start, and a successful farewell
Smooth onboarding pays off in two ways: first, it makes it easier for your new employees to start; second, it makes sure that people in your company are happy in the long run. Professional offboarding, which accompanies the employees up to the last step with appreciation, is also part of every good company.
New employees need to be both professionally and socially committed to the company from the outset. Right from the first day, they should be developing a good feeling about the company, not already thinking of handing in their notice, as happens with one-fifth of all employees. High turnover rates damage the company, because they dampen the team spirit and prevent the transfer of expertise.
Your employees feel comfortable more quickly and are happier coming to work.
They are more willing to do more if they feel accepted.
A high level of employee commitment reduces the staff turnover rate.
Employees achieve their performance potential faster, stay for longer, are more satisfied and are happy to develop further. In addition, they are happier to get involved, recommend the employer to others and behave more loyally.
90% of the new employees decide in the first six months whether they will stay in the company. 20% of the all employee turnover occurs in the first 45 working days. (Source: The Aberdeen Group)
A successful admission procedure thus contributes significantly to employee satisfaction.
We would be happy to consult you on your on- and offboarding processes in HR. In addition to a professional and efficient process, we ensure that you integrate new employees in a fast through holistic integration, that is, organisationally, operationally and culturally, and that you retain them in the long term through sustainable alumni management.
In the HR inspiration meeting, we talk with you for 60 minutes about your HR strategy: we will listen to you, dream up new opportunities and give you honest feedback - free of charge.
The right software makes onboarding/offboarding much easier. HR Campus provides you with the right HR software products with benefits that include the following:
Should you desire more support than single software products can provide: HR Campus is happy to provide more comprehensive support for your HR department. And exactly where it makes sense for you.
Either with our comprehensive HR Campus Suite. Or by means of real manpower: You can outsource individual HR tasks to us (HR Services) or hire experienced temporary HR specialists from us (HR People). The choice is yours:
At the Liechtensteinische Landesbank, we had the privilege of modernizing their HR processes. The administration was digitised and centralized, from onboarding through goal setting to performance appraisal and potential assessment.
How can HR become an active creator of positive experiences?
HR Consulting
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+41 79 954 66 26